Official Global AI Chapter

Global AI Cologne

Welcome to the official Global AI Chapter page of Cologne in Germany. We are a group of AI enthusiasts with a passion for AI. Our desire to learn and share knowledge. We are looking forward to meeting you at our next event.

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About this chapter

Das Global AI Cologne Chapter ist eines von mehreren Communities in Deutschland und über 80 weltweit. Wir kümmern uns um Themen rund um das Thema KI mit den Schwerpunkten in Generative AI, Compliance, Strategie, Datenschutz, Informationssicherheit, Agents und Training und Entwicklung eigener ChatBots. The Global AI Cologne Chapter is one of several communities in Germany and over 80 worldwide. We deal with topics related to AI with a focus on generative AI, compliance, strategy, data protection, information security, agents and training and development of our own chatbots.


Connect with the Global AI Cologne organizers.

Raphael Köllner
Raphael Köllner





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