
Finlandia Talo

Organized by:

Global AI Helsinki

Welcome to the very first Microsoft AI User Group Finland meetup event!

This event is organized jointly by the organizers from the community and Microsoft. Microsoft is hosting AI Tour Helsinki the same day at the same venue - the iconic Finlandia Hall 🤩

The event is open for everyone and you don't need AI Tour ticket to attend this user group meeting.

Schedule 16:30 – 17:00 Arrival 17:00 – 17:30 Welcome words and keynote (in English)

Welcome words and user group introduction by the organizers Talk by Jared Spataro, Chief Marketing Officer, AI at Work, Microsoft 17:30 – 18:30 Panel discussion (in Finnish)

Sakari Nahi Jouni Heikniemi Vesa Tikkanen Karoliina Kettukari Terho Anttila Petri I. Salonen 18:30 – 19:00 Networking

Registration is open at Meetup!


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