Analytics on Azure I: Synapse, Power BI Pipelines, Data Marts, Data Factory
Online eventTuesday, 26 September 2023

Analytics on Azure I: Synapse, Power BI Pipelines, Data Marts, Data Factory
Online event6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Europe/Zurich
We are inviting the Azure and AI community to this virtual event. Hosting Platform is Microsoft Teams, please find the link below.
Agenda: 18.00 CheckIn 18.05 Technical Session 19.10 Checkout
In today’s modern world our businesses have turned their faces to digitalization. In this digital transformation, it is a very big challenge to handle the huge data set on a single platform. A data-driven culture, one which allows data-driven transformation, starts with considering how to unlock data wrapped in divisional and system data warehouse, how to ensure data privacy and security, and how to deliver insights economically and with ease. Today we are just going to talk about one of its most interesting and important features, i-e, the integration of Azure Synapse with Power BI.
In this session I will give you an overview about Data Options in Azure and show some key elements.
I would be happy to welcome you to this session!
Matthias Microsoft Azure MVP
Code of Conduct:
AI and Intelligent CloudZürich, Switzerland