Bletchley Park AI - May 2024
Online eventWednesday, 29 May 2024

Bletchley Park AI - May 2024
Online event5:45 PM - 7:00 PM Europe/London
Hosted By: Bletchley Park AI Microsoft User Group
Sponsored by: MS Talent Date And Time: Wednesday 29 May, 17:45-20:00 Venue: South Central Institute of Technology, Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes, MK3 6DN Event Overview: Join us to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is changing work in the tech industry. This event, hosted by Bletchley Park AI Microsoft User Group, a group of international technology speakers bringing the brightest and best minds in technology to the birthplace of AI. We aim to demystify AI and delve into its practical applications and deepen your understanding. Designed for tech professionals, leaders, and knowledge workers, this seminar will navigate the opportunities for transformation using AI. Purpose:
- Enhance AI literacy among participants from public and private sectors
- Provide practical insights into AI’s role in revolutionising business operations and educational practices
- Explore ethical considerations and responsible AI implementation
- Foster problem-solving capabilities using AI in unique industry contexts
- Lay the groundwork for continuous AI learning and adaptation
Agenda: Speakers to be announced Leon Gordon will share his AI news and views.
Sherwood Drive
MK3 6DR Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
Bletchley Park AI User GroupMilton Keynes, United Kingdom