Statistics for ML, AI & DS DAY-04
Online eventSunday, 5 May 2024
Statistics for ML, AI & DS DAY-04
Online event
Sunday, 5 May 2024
10:00 PM - 11:30 PM Asia/Dhaka
10:00 PM - 11:30 PM Asia/Dhaka
In this session of DAY-04 of Statistics for ML, AI & DS we'll be exploring fundamental statistical concepts with python codes which are crucial for any data professional. We'll start with "Measure of Position," which provides insight into the relative placement of data points within a dataset. Next, we'll delve into "Correlation," illuminating the strength and direction of relationships between variables. Finally, we'll discuss about "Covariance," unveiling how variables co-vary. Join us to deepen your statistical knowledge and enhance your analytical understanding.
The AI, ML CommunityDhaka, Bangladesh