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2023年のChatGPTを始めとする生成AIの広がりによって AIの民主化が進み、今では多くの人にとって身近な存在となりました。AIを使用してできることは次々と増えていき、何を使えばどんなことができるのかを知りたい方も増えています。
そこでこの度、技術をよく知るMicrosoft MVPやマイクロソフト社員など、さまざまなMicrosoft AI技術を実際に使用しているエキスパートがその経験や活用法をご紹介するオンラインイベントを開催いたします。
イベント内ではAzure OpenAI ServiceやいろいろなCopilotなどの使用感や事例をLT形式で少しずつお話しし、さらに理解を深めたい方におすすめの学習コンテンツもご紹介いたします。また、2月20日(火)開催の最新のAI技術に触れられる一日カンファレンス Microsoft AI Tour Tokyo の内容を振り返りつつ、幅広いMicrosoft AIの世界を一緒に見ていきましょう。最後にはAIに関するあらゆる質問にお答えするQ&Aの時間もあり、オンラインイベントではありますが参加型の機会としてもお楽しみいただけます。
With the spread of Generative AI, starting with ChatGPT in 2023, AI has been democratized and is now familiar to many people. what you can do with AI is constantly growing, and more and more people want to know what they can do with it.
We are pleased to host an online event where Microsoft MVPs, Microsoft employees, and other experts who are familiar with the technology and who are actually using various Microsoft AI technologies will share their experiences and how they are using them.
During the event, we will have a small discussion about the Azure OpenAI Service and various Copilot in LT format, and we will also introduce learning content for those who want to deepen their understanding of the technology. We will also review the contents of Microsoft AI Tour Tokyo, a one-day conference held on Tuesday, February 20, where you can experience the latest AI technologies, and take a look at the broad world of Microsoft AI together. At the end of the event, there will be time for a Q&A session to answer all your AI-related questions, making this an online event but also an opportunity for participation.
If you are interested in making the most of AI in the future, please join us online for this event.
An annual event that occurs worldwide, where developers and AI enthusiasts can learn about AI through workshops, sessions, and discussions.
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