Developing Secure and Performant LLM Applications using Rust - Global AI Notes
As a developer, you are always looking for ways to build applications that are secure, performant, and optimized for space. In recent years, the emergence of LLM (Large Laguage models) and ChatGPT have provided developers with exciting new opportunities to achieve these goals. Rust's evolution from a "system language" to an "application language" has made it a perfect fit for building LLM-based applications. In this talk, we will explore the challenges, opportunities, and innovations that the Rust community has brought to the table for building secure and performant applications with LLMs. Additionally, we will cover some best practices and tips for developing Rust-based LLM applications. About: Miley Fu CNCF Ambassador, Founding member at CNCF WasmEdge Miley, a seasoned Developer Advocate with a passion for empowering developers to build and contribute in the open source community. With over 4 years of experience working on WasmEdge, Miley has established a reputation for excellence in the cloud native tech ecosystem, engaging with dev communities and delivering value through innovative solutions. Miley organizes developer meetups/ conferences, including OpenSource Fairs, WebAssembly Meetups, and Rust conferences around Asia